Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is God Moral?

What the Bible says about who/what God is is clear from the beginning in Genesis. It consistently shows his inability to grasp morality. Morality is Human and comes from within reflecting our desire to survive through cooperation as Human animals. It is concerned with the welfare of all Humanity in our struggle to meet our basic, common Human needs. It does this through empathy, compassion and respect which are necessary for any social creature's survival as a cooperative group. However, we have the ability to cooperate through language which gives us the potential to cooperate on a level that other social animals can not, and it is that which makes us unique and what makes us Human thereby separating us from the rest of the animals, giving us the ability to bring groups together to work in unison for common goals. The greater our understanding of others the more capable we are of empathy and respect.

The Bible says we are were created for God's pleasure. When we look at Genesis we see that Knowledge is the forbidden fruit. Upon taking of this fruit, against the will of God, he recognizes that Humans have become like him having gained the ability to reason and removes them from the Garden before they could obtain immortality and become as himself. He expels them and places angels with flaming sword to protect the "Tree of Life" to protect his power and sentences us to Death. We then see an angry God who recognizes that Humanity is not satisfactorily obeying his will who sends a flood sparing only one family, followed by a list of laws that reflect a lack of compassion or understanding and the desire for complete obedience from his creation..... He was NOT pleased....Again, the Bible clearly states that all creation was for God's pleasure. This shows no desire for fellowship with man in the Human sense(empathy, compassion, respect, love etc.)which would reflect concern for Human needs and an understanding of the Human condition or what we call morality. This reflects the attitudes of the authorities(or "would be" authorities)of those whom were the authors and/or compilers of these Old Testament texts. This, however, was proving inefficient because....we had thoughts.....and we recognized the "morality" of the Old Testament as repulsive and immoral. So the authorities(authors and/or compilers of the Bible)gave us the "New Testament" which had a new character, Jesus/God in the flesh, who was about to go through a divinely planned anger management course by experiencing Humanity first hand which seemed very therapeutic as obvious with his new found sense of what it means to be moral and therefore Human. But wait......this same God(or writers/authors)had anticipated the need to appeal to our emotions. However inhumane these "Old Testament God's" emotions seemed they were certainly Human. However, clearly reflect the WORST of Human emotions(Jealousy, Wrath, Hate(Esau)) so Jesus had to face the greatest of all Evil....Death. gets he ascends into heaven and sits at the right hand of the same God we had in the Old Testament. Obey, as was the plan from the beginning, or you get a "New" punishment. Now you not only face Death for disobedience but ETERNAL PUNISHMENT which follows you even into the grave. I can think of nothing more contradictory than the marriage of the moral person of Jesus to the most vile deity imaginable. Only man could have created such a thing. Roman men.

Tyranny. It's in the Bible.

"Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst; every other species of tyranny is limited to the world we live in; but this attempts to stride beyond the grave, and seeks to pursue us into eternity."-Thomas Paine


  1. Not the way I would have written that today. Not my best work to say the

  2. Much of what the Bible says about who God can be found in the beginning in Genesis. It consistently shows that he has no desire to have an equitable relationship with Humanity. Morality is Human and emerges as a result of our conscious experience and the value we place on being aware. To be moral one must first presuppose that life, or conscious experience, has value.

    Can't fix it. I'll have to find something else to post;)
